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Improve efficiency, provide a better customer experience with modern technology services available around the world. Our skilled staff, combined with decades of experience.

01. What does you do?

Improve efficiency, provide a better customer experience with modern technology services available around the world. Our skilled staff, combined with decades of experience.

04. What does you do?

Improve efficiency, provide a better customer experience with modern technology services available around the world. Our skilled staff, combined with decades of experience.

02. What types of services are available via the cloud computing model?

Public cloud services are breaking down into three broad categories: software-as-a-service, infrastructure-as-a-service, and platform-as-a-service. SaaS is well known and consists of software applications delivered over the Web. Infrastructure-as-a-service refers to remotely accessible server and storage capacity, while platform-as-a-service is a compute-and-software platform that lets developers build and deploy Web applications on a hosted infrastructure.

05. Will my company need to hire more IT staff to handle the transition?

Since one of the major appeals of working with a cloud service provider is that they handle the ins and outs of your cloud transition, you shouldn't have to hire additional staff when shifting to the Cloud. However, having some IT expertise in house is helpful to make the transition smooth. If you do not have an existing IT team, consider hiring an IT professional to help take advantage of the services that cloud providers offer and provide advise.

03. How much can I save by using cloud computing services?

There are many aspects to the IT savings you can achieve by using cloud computing services. The rule of thumb is that you can expect to save 20% to 80% of the cost of running a premises-based application by moving to a cloud-based service (SaaS). Your cloud navigator can work with you to determine more precisely your IT savings by moving to cloud-based services.

06. What training does my IT staff need to manage the Cloud?

This depends on the layer of the cloud stack being used. For IaaS, administrators must manage all aspects of the virtualized environment that's delivered as a service. The higher up the cloud stack you go, the less management involved. For SaaS, oversight might be limited to data and identity and access management. Major cloud providers and third parties offer training and certifications to familiarize IT staff with these processes. Enterprises that plan to transition to the Cloud should factor training into every aspect of the process, so they're ready to take the reins as soon as the cloud environment goes live.

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